Brock Turner’s father, Dan A. Turner, views rape as “20 minutes of action”! That is what we find, reading Dan Turner’s court statement. Brock Turner raped a woman in January 2015. She was unconscious at the time. Brock Turner was convicted of three felonies. Prosecutors wanted a sentence of at least six years in state prison. Dan Turner felt that such a sentence would be “a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action”. First of all, it is disgusting that rape would be described as “minutes of action”! “Incarceration is not the appropriate punishment for Brock … Probation is the best answer for Brock in this situation”. My second point is that “this situation” that Dan Turner refers to, is a violent crime that his son has committed. Brock sexually assaulted a woman and deeply altered this woman’s life forever. But Dan Turner is more concerned with how his rapist son’s life has been altered. In his court statement, he wrote, “Brock’s life has been deeply altered forever … His life will never be the one he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve.” I ask, “Whose fault is that?”
I am appalled by Dan Turner’s comments in his court statement. He defends and minimizes the act of rape to such a degree that I, and countless others I feel sure, feel sickened. “Brock can do so many positive things as a contributor to society”, wrote Dan about his son. Did I read that correctly? It seems that Dan is desperate to support his son regardless of how awful his son’s behavior is. I understand wanting to protect one’s family members, but when a family member sexually violates another human being? Dan wrote that his son “is totally committed to educating other college age students about the dangers of alcohol consumption and sexual promiscuity”. How dare he suggest that his son would be a good candidate for communicating with others, with a view to teaching them, about sexual relations! And bringing up the topic of the dangers of alcohol consumption appears to me to basically be an attempt to discredit the victim of the rape and essentially to blame her for what was so brutally done to her in January of last year.