Issues We Address
- Improving the court system’s response to battered women, including ensuring the safety of victims while in court, guaranteeing adequate legal counsel, having qualified interpreters available for victims who don’t speak English or are hearing impaired, and making sure that all court personnel understand domestic violence and that abuse is taken seriously in custody and visitation decisions.
- Discouraging false and malicious child abuse reports (by batterers and others).
- Protecting women and children in custody and visitation disputes when abuse is present. We are organizing to make sure that mothers are not charged with “Parental Alienation” when they try to protect their children from abuse; that law guardians and forensic evaluators are held accountable and meet clear standards; and that there is a mechanism for complaints to be addressed.
- Making available more affordable housing for survivors of domestic violence because the lack of real options keeps many women in abusive relationships. We advocate for improvements in the application process for shelter and permanent housing.
- Improving the child welfare system’s handling of cases where domestic violence is present and ensuring that survivors have a role in shaping policies that affect them.